Two September 2021 papers from the LHCb collaboration announced the discovery of a particle named for containing two particles with this flavor. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this particle flavor found in all D mesons. The only positively charged particle in the second generation of matter has this flavor.
ANSWER: charm [or charmed or c]
[10e] The newly discovered particle is a “tetra” one of these particles. The flavors of these matter particles include up, down, charm, and strange.
ANSWER: quarks [accept tetraquarks; accept up quarks, down quarks, charm quarks, or strange quarks]
[10h] This particle, the most common form of charmonium, consists of a charm quark and a charm antiquark. This particle’s name comes from both Burton Richter and Samuel Ting, who discovered it independently.
ANSWER: J/psi meson (“J sigh me-zawn”) [or psion; prompt on J/psi]
<Steven Yuan, Science - Physics> ~20683~ <Editor: David Bass>