Answer the following about stinky cryptids, for 10 points each.
[10e] Cryptozoologists debate the relationship between Florida’s Skunk Ape and this ape-like creature from the Pacific Northwest, often conflated with the yeti.
ANSWER: Bigfoot [or Sasquatch]
[10m] According to legend, a hybrid between a human and this animal snuck onto a San Antonio dance floor but disappeared in a sulfur cloud. A cryptid partially named for these animals was accused of killing animals with puncture wounds in Puerto Rico.
ANSWER: goats [or Goatman; or cabros; or cabras; accept the chupacabra]
[10h] Cryptids from this country like the ani-ani and kapre mask their awful smell by smoking large amounts of ganja. Aswang are vampires with tubelike tongues that consume embryos in this country’s folklore.
ANSWER: The Philippines [or Republic of the Philippines; accept Pilipinas]
<Ganon Evans, RMP - World Mythology> ~20440~ <Editor: Jaimie Carlson>