This country’s town of Kalgoorlie was the rare mining town “where the streets had indeed been paved with gold” after someone came up with a way to make gold from the waste product calaverite. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this modern-day country where gold miners staged the Eureka Rebellion in the 1850s.
ANSWER: Australia [or Commonwealth of Australia]
[10e] The Eureka miners swore allegiance to one of these objects with a Southern Cross on it. The modern Australian one of these objects has both a Southern Cross and a Union Jack.
ANSWER: a flag [accept banner or ensign]
[10h] In 1852, “Bully” Forbes sailed from England to Australia in just 74 days on one of these ships. These sailing vessels, sometimes named for Baltimore, were originally built for the tea trade in China.
ANSWER: clippers [or clipper ships; accept Baltimore clippers or Yankee clippers]
<Michael Bentley, History - Cross, Historiography, and Miscellaneous> ~20054~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>