Answer the following about the “Painter of the Revolution,” John Trumbull, for 10 points each.
[10h] This artist gained his reputation by working as an engraver under Trumbull. A painting by this artist depicts one of his mentors conversing with William Cullen Bryant on a mountainous peak overlooking a waterfall.
ANSWER: Asher Durand [or Asher Brown Durand] (The painting is Kindred Spirits.)
[10e] Many of Trumbull’s paintings decorate the rotunda of this Washington, DC building, including his depiction of the Declaration of Independence. This building also includes the Apotheosis of Washington and the Frieze of American History.
ANSWER: United States Capitol building [or US Capitol; accept Capitol Rotunda]
[10m] Many of the most iconic portraits of George Washington were painted by either Trumbull or this other artist, including his Lansdowne Portrait and Athenaeum Portrait, the latter of which appears on the dollar bill.
ANSWER: Gilbert Stuart [or Gilbert Charles Stuart]
<Chandler West, Fine Arts - Painting - U.S. to 1945> ~20899~ <Editor: Chandler West>