In one story, this river was created when some characters chopped down a water-filled lupuna tree that Maira or Grandfather had been using to bathe. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this river that is central to many of the myths of the Yagua and Witoto people. A shapeshifting dolphin that lives in this river supposedly kidnaps people at night.
ANSWER: Amazon River [accept Rio Amazonas]
[10e] In Yagua myth, the characters who chopped down the lupuna tree have this relationship to each other. Hunahpu and Xbalanque (“shee-buh-LAHN-kay”), the heroes of the Mayan Popul Vuh, have this relationship to each other.
ANSWER: twins [accept hero twins or fraternal twins or identical twins; prompt on brothers or siblings]
[10m] The Amazon Water Lily was often connected to this concept, the domain of the god Ruda. Tanais was cursed to throw himself into the river Amazonius by a goddess of this domain, who was caught under a bronze net.
ANSWER: love [accept answers like lust or fertility or sexual longing or desire]
<Michael Bentley, RMP - World Mythology> ~18719~ <Editor: Jaimie Carlson>