During template switching, an enzyme from Moloney murine leukemia virus adds a few extra instances of this molecule. Along with amphotericin B (am-foh-TEH-ruh-suhn BEE), an organofluorine analogue of this molecule is the first line treatment for cryptococcus (crip-toh-CAH-kuss) infections. APOBEC (ah-POH-beck) enzymes catalyze the deamination (dee-AM-in-ay-shun) of this molecule, which can also occur when exposed to bisulfite. This molecule is the lighter of the two that together form namesake islands, in which this molecule is frequently methylated. This molecule readily undergoes spontaneous deamination to form uracil. When this nucleotide is the second base in a codon, the third base is always interchangeable. This nucleotide forms three hydrogen bonds with its binding partner guanine. For 10 points, name this nucleotide symbolized C. ■END■
ANSWER: cytosine [or cytidine; or C before mention]
<Paul Lee , Science - Biology - Cell/Molecular>
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