The usage of this pathway is indicated by a higher tissue ratio of carbon-13 to carbon-12. The rapid spread of this pathway in the late Miocene is hypothesized as due to increased disturbances by fire. This pathway was discovered in pulse-chase experiments performed by Marshall Hatch and Roger Slack. This pathway's name comes from the formula of oxaloacetate (ock-suh-loh-ASS-uh-tate), which during this pathway is converted into aspartate or malate, then transported out of the mesophyll (MEH-suh-fil) cell. An international research project founded in 2008 seeks to introduce genes for this pathway into rice crops. In this pathway characterized by kranz (krants) anatomy, the Calvin cycle is performed separately in bundle sheath cells in the absence of oxygen, lowering the rate of photorespiration. For 10 points, name this type of photosynthesis that's sometimes more efficient than C3. ■END■
ANSWER: C4 photosynthesis [or C4 carbon fixation; or Hatch-Slack pathway before "Hatch"; prompt on photosynthesis or carbon fixation before "photosynthesis"]
<June Yin , Science - Biology - Cell/Molecular>
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