This operator is applied to the electric potential in Poisson's (pwuh-SAHNZ) equation. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this operator that equals the divergence of the gradient.
ANSWER: Laplacian (luh-PLASS-ee-un) [or Laplace (luh-PLOSS) operator]
[10e] The Laplacian of u times speed squared equals the second time derivative of u according to an equation named for these phenomena. These phenomena can be transverse or longitudinal.
ANSWER: waves [or wave equation]
[10h] This physicist discovered that the superposition of two waves traveling in opposite directions is the general solution to the wave equation. An operator named for this physicist is denoted by a box and is sometimes called the wave operator.
ANSWER: Jean le Rond d'Alembert (DAL-uhm-bair) [or d'Alembertian]
<Andrew Rout , Science - Physics - Waves>