Two members of this school, Crates of Thebes and Hipparchia of Maroneia, were married and often had sex in public. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this school of philosophy whose proponents include Diogenes of Sinope, who wandered around Athens with a lantern looking for an honest man.
ANSWER: cynicism [or the cynics]
[10e] In one story, Plato's definition of a man was changed to include "with broad, flat nails" after Diogenes brought one of these things to the Academy and proclaimed "Behold! A man!".
ANSWER: plucked chicken
[10h] This student of Socrates was retroactively called the founder of cynicism by Diogenes Laertius. This man's Physicus asserted that there is only one God who is not understandable by humans.
ANSWER: Antisthenes of Athens
<Eric Mukherjee , Philosophy - Ancient>