
For 10 points each, answer the following about how dogs have played an influential role in human wars.
[10h] This country's town of Petrich was occupied by its southern neighbor after the killing of a soldier chasing his stray dog. This country was previously forced to cede territory to that neighbor in the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine (noo-YEE-surr-SEN).
ANSWER: Bulgaria [or Republic of Bulgaria or Kingdom of Bulgaria]
[10m] This country's indigenous people rose up against British authorities after they imposed a dog tax in 1898. George Grey pursued the Hutt Valley campaign as colonial governor of this country.
ANSWER: New Zealand [or Aotearoa]
[10e] Dogs have also fought in wars, including for this empire's Cambyses II (cam-BYE-sees "the second") during his invasion of Egypt. This empire's later ruler Xerxes I (ZERK-seez "the first") was joined by several Indian hounds during his invasion of Greece.
ANSWER: Persian Empire [Achaemenid Empire]
<Govind Prabhakar , History - Other - Cross>

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