In this artist's depiction of Zeuxis Selecting Models for His Painting of Helen of Troy, a brush-holding woman stands in front of a blank canvas, suggesting her status as both Helen and Zeuxis. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Swiss neoclassicist known for history paintings like Cornelia Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures.
ANSWER: Angelica Kauffman [or Maria Anna Angelica Kauffmann]
[10m] Kauffman and Mary Moser, this institution's two founding female members, are represented as portraits on the wall in Johann Zoffany's official group portrait of its members. The first president of this British institution was Joshua Reynolds.
ANSWER: Royal Academy of Arts [or RA]
[10h] This Reynolds portrait of a Polynesian man standing in the adlocutio pose was jointly purchased by the National Portrait Gallery and the Getty Museum in April 2023. According to The Guardian, this painting is Britain's "first grand portrayal of a non-white subject."
ANSWER: Portrait of Mai [or Portrait of Omai, or Omai of the Friendly Isles; or Omai]
<Yingzhi Nyang , Art - Painting/Sculpture - 18th Century>