This substance was the chief plaintiff of a 2021 lawsuit against a state’s Department of Natural Resources which argued that the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline violated this substance’s “inherent rights to exist.” A resolution by the White Earth Band established basic rights for this food whose cultural significance is related alongside recipes for it in the first chapter of Heid E. Erdrich’s Original Local. This food is traditionally danced on in a “jigging pit,” and is harvested by (*) knockers. Also called “the good berry,” this food is referenced in the oral history of the Anishinaabeg, who were told to move west until they found a place where “food grows on water.” This is the state grain of Minnesota, where it is harvested from around the state’s lakes. For 10 points, name this grain that, despite its name, is not directly related to its “domesticated” counterpart Oryza. ■END■
ANSWER: wild rice [or manoomin, psiŋ, or Zizania; accept wild oats, Canada rice, or Indian rice; prompt on rice; reject “white rice” or “brown rice” or other types of rice]
<JinAh Kim, Other Academic>
= Average correct buzz position