
This industry titles a novel in which a tycoon’s life is narrated by his resentful son Jasper, his wife Snow, and the English drifter Peter Wormwood. In a story titled for this industry, Lotus sabotages her neighbors by treacherously throwing some elements of it in a stream. The Communist Johnny operates (-5[1])this industry’s Harmony factory in the debut novel by Tash Aw. This Sisyphean industry ruins Old Tōng Bǎo in a story that precedes “Autumn Harvest” and “Winter (15[1])Ruin” in the Village Trilogy by (*) Máo Dùn (“mao dwin”). This industry names an analog of steampunk that (10[1])Ken Liu (10[3])coined (10[2])for fantasy (10[1])novels inspired by Chinese culture. In one novel, a town hosts a movie night in an old building once used for this industry, which ends in disaster as Yoko falls from a balcony. For 10 points, a warehouse formerly used in what industry catches fire at the end of Snow Country? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: silk industry [or sericulture; or chóu or xiàn; accept silkworms or silk moth or cán; accept silkpunk; accept Spring Silkworms or Chūn Cán; accept The Harmony Silk Factory; prompt on clothing, clothes, textiles, thread, fibers, dress, or fashion; prompt on mulberry or mulberries]
<Nick Jensen, World Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Mike SoriceTeam Name Think DetailThe Canadians50-5
Rob CarsonBHSUHang et al., Robert Browning7715
Mazin OmerDon't be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid TooRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill9310
Steven YuanEvans Hall destruction awaitersIn Search of Things Past9510
Rahul KeyalThe anti-STOON-dahl cabal (the tall Keyal et al.)wave2: trimming membership codes 9655377758gp9510
Taylor HarveySaint Peter Andre 3000Teach Us to Outgrow Our Ladness9510
Jordan BrownsteinThe Plague (anime)" was redirected to: "Oran High School Host ClubQuasicrystal Silence9610
Eric MukherjeeCurse you, Periplus the Platypus![moderator voice] yes that is so tenpointscore! is your team feeling bonuspilled?9610
Anderson Wangremembrance of lost timeI prefer really not to speak. If I speak I’m in big trouble9810
Chris SimsThe CanadiansTeam Name Think Detail15010


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y9100%11%11%99.44