Dorothy Hosler is among the archaeologists who propose that the use of these objects by cultures like the Manteño explains the distribution of metallurgy in Pre-Columbian Central America. Bartolomé Ruiz acquired one of these objects from the Manta people, marking the first contact between Spaniards and the Inca empire. Hundreds of these objects were used for an effort led by Topa Inca Yupanqui, during which he encountered the “fire belt” Nina Chumpi. One of the tumbaga artworks held by (*) Bogotá’s Gold Museum is a votive model of one of these objects, which may depict the one on which new zipas stood during a kingship ritual. A 1947 archaeological experiment constructed one of these objects made of balsa to show that Peruvians could have settled Easter Island. For 10 points, name this sort of vessel exemplified by Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon-Tiki. ■END■
ANSWER: rafts [accept barges; accept balsas until “balsa” is read; accept Muisca Raft; prompt on ships, boats, vessels, or other related terms]
<Jordan Brownstein, World History>
= Average correct buzz position