
A book co-authored by Walter G. Andrews coins an “age of beloveds” in the literature of this empire to compare it to similar trends in the writing of its peers. Colin Imber attacked a theory about this empire’s early history by calling the period a “black hole.” The standard Western account for decades, the “Hammer History” was a ten-volume work on this empire by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall. An account of the final days of this empire was presented in the (*) 36-hour Nutuk (10[1])speech. Though now discredited, Paul Wittek posited (10[1])that this empire’s early growth was fueled by holy war in the ghaza thesis. (10[1])Keeping imperial successors in the Kafes (“kah-FAYSS”) and the transition (10[1])from the timariot system to tax-farming were cited as elements of this empire’s “decline” from its 16th-century peak by Bernard Lewis. For 10 points, the legacy of what empire has been minimized in histories influenced by Mustafa Kemal? ■END■

ANSWER: Ottoman Empire [or Sublime Ottoman State, Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, or Osmanlı Devleti]
<Alex Fregeau, Other History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eric MukherjeeCurse you, Periplus the Platypus!The Plague (anime)" was redirected to: "Oran High School Host Club8110
Tracy MirkinThe Catastrophic Implosion of Packet SubBHSU8810
Matt BollingerTeam Name Think DetailThe anti-STOON-dahl cabal (the tall Keyal et al.)10210
Jaskaran SinghRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni GrillSaint Peter Andre 300011110


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y4100%0%0%95.50