
A reconstructed setting of Ecce nunc by a protégée of this location was premiered by the Australian Chamber Choir in 2022. A protégée of this location was immediately hired in Bayreuth as a “chamber music virtuosa,” where she wrote many flute sonatas and divertimenti. The opera Domina in Tempe was the first collaboration between a protégée of this location and a composer who was there due to a dispensation from mass for asthma. The composer of Tigrane also taught Domenico Scarlatti while supervising this institution. A visiting poet wrote that “angels [dared] hover near” a (*) mandolin prodigy at this institution who was featured in pieces such as one composer’s RV 425. That composer wrote two concerti per month for this institution’s figlie di coro (10[1])(“FEEL-yeh di COH-roh”), who stayed behind a metal grate when they premiered pieces such as L’estro armonico. For 10 points, name this Venetian orphanage whose students learned music from Antonio Vivaldi. ■END■

ANSWER: Ospedale della Pietà [or Hospital of Mercy; prompt on Antonio Vivaldi’s orphanage or convent by asking “what was its name?”] (The composers in the first four clues are Agata della Pietà, Anna Bon, Anna Girò, and Francesco Gasparini.)
<Jacob Egol, Classical Music and Opera>
= Average correct buzz position


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Matt JacksonThe Plague (anime)" was redirected to: "Oran High School Host ClubThe Catastrophic Implosion of Packet Sub12310


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y1100%0%0%123.00