
A holder of this office was lambasted for remarking that “outside of the killings,” a certain location had “one of the lowest crime rates in the country.” A 1986 law restricting people with too much side income from obtaining this office was dubbed the “Jesse Jackson law.” Walter Fauntroy, whose advocacy led to the creation of this office, took fifth place in the election that chose its first female holder, Sharon Pratt. The first holder of this office ignored J. Edgar Hoover’s advice to shoot rioters in the aftermath of (-5[1])a (*) 1968 (10[1])speech by Stokely Carmichael. (10[1])This position (10[1])gained its current title after a 1973 “Home Rule Act.” (10[3])In 1990, (10[1])a holder of this office exclaimed that Rasheeda Moore had “set (10[1])me up” after being caught smoking crack. For 10 points, name this city-leading office once held by Marion Barry. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: mayor of Washington, DC [or mayor of Washington, DC; accept Mayor-Commissioner in place of “mayor,” as that technically applies to the Walter Washington clue]
<Will Alston, US History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jaskaran SinghRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni GrillI prefer really not to speak. If I speak I’m in big trouble89-5
Tracy MirkinThe Catastrophic Implosion of Packet SubDon't be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid Too9110
Tejas RajeBHSUThe anti-STOON-dahl cabal (the tall Keyal et al.)9510
Doug SimonsQuasicrystal SilenceI would prefer not to9710
Matt BollingerTeam Name Think Detailremembrance of lost time10710
Paul KasińskiThe CanadiansThe Plague (anime)" was redirected to: "Oran High School Host Club10710
Michael CoatesEvans Hall destruction awaitersHang et al., Robert Browning10710
Jason GolfinosSaint Peter Andre 3000In Search of Things Past10910
Jerry VinokurovTeach Us to Outgrow Our Ladness[moderator voice] yes that is so tenpointscore! is your team feeling bonuspilled?12010
Cole HartungI prefer really not to speak. If I speak I’m in big troubleRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill14010


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y9100%0%11%108.11