
A technique named for this physicist derived from writing “one over A” as an integral of a negative exponential allows for combining propagators. This physicist’s name is [emphasize] alphabetically later in equations for the functional derivative of the generating functional, often called the QFT analog of the Euler–Lagrange (15[1])equations. This physicist names the electric field limit at which pair production occurs. This physicist’s name is [emphasize] alphabetically second in an equation that avoids a (*) singularity by changing a denominator to “E minus H-nought plus-or-minus i epsilon” and writes a scattered wavefunction in terms of the scattering potential; that equation is co-named for Bernard Lippmann. For 10 points, name this physicist who, with Tomonaga and Feynman, won the 1965 Nobel Prize for developing quantum electrodynamics. ■END■

ANSWER: Julian Schwinger [or Julian Seymour Schwinger; accept Schwinger parametrization, Schwinger functions, Schwinger limit, or Lippmann–Schwinger equation] (The second sentence refers to the Schwinger–Dyson equation.)
<Tim Morrison, Physics>
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