
In a play by this author, a poet tricks a beautiful woman into smiling by telling her that an imaginary bird will “fly better” if she does. In another play by this author, a chamberlain quips that it would be a “most acceptable interlude” if a pair of seals would sing “Salammbo;” later in that play, two actors sing “Salammbo” while an Illusionist presents an “Interlude” which reveals that Bertha is not royalty but a fisherman’s child. One of this author’s characters claims that she has never actually seen her husband, since some futures appear gray to her while others appear in vivid color. Maurice (*) Valency translated a play by this author that adapts de la Motte Fouqué’s (“duh lah mut foo-KAY’s”) Märchen (“MAYR-chen”) “Ondine.” The “Gates of War” are shut and reopened in a play by this author (10[1])that ends with Troilus accepting Helen’s kiss. For 10 points, Christopher Fry’s Tiger at the Gates adapts what French playwright’s The Trojan War Will Not Take Place? ■END■

ANSWER: Jean Giraudoux (“zhee-roh-DOO”) [or Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux]
<Arya Karthik, European Literature>
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