
Two answers required. A 2015 Jimena Canales book about these two people claims a debate between them was preceded by a similar one between Paul Langevin and Edouard De Roy. These two people differed in their interpretation of Riemann’s theory of discrete and continuous multiplicities according to a 1966 book by Gilles Deleuze. A chapter about these two people was omitted from the American edition of Sokal and Bricmont’s Fashionable Nonsense. One of them published (*) Duration and Simultaneity to rebut the other’s claim that “the time of the philosophers does not exist.” Svante Arrhenius cited an attack from one of them in explaining why the other (10[1])won their Nobel for a June 1905 paper rather than for a September 1905 paper. For 10 points, name these two participants in a 1922 debate about time, one the author of Time and Free Will, and the other the discoverer of special relativity. ■END■

ANSWER: Henri Bergson AND Albert Einstein [accept Henri-Louis Bergson in place of “Henri Bergson”]
<Arya Karthik, Other Academic>
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