
This character calls Baudelaire a “bourgeois malgre lui” and Verlaine an “epicier malgre lui” while claiming to “owe nothing to France.” Another character asks, “How can one draw a [person] who doesn’t exist?” after this character tells of their plan to write a book with no title. A poem by this character, which describes how “strange forms and epicene (15[1])/ Lie bleeding in the dust, / Being wounded with wounds,” uses the phrase “nor not” in place of “and.” That poem ends with the line in all capitals, (*) “Thou hast not been nor art.” This character, who includes “Catholic diabolist” poems in the collection Fungoids, (10[1])is (10[1])called an “imaginary character” (10[3])in a phonetically-spelled passage from an encyclopedia of English literature. For 10 points, name this character who is transported to the British Museum’s (10[1])reading (10[1])room (10[1])on June 3, 1997 after making a deal with the devil in a story by Max Beerbohm. ■END■

ANSWER: Enoch Soames [or Enoch Soames] (The original spellings are “immajnari karrakter” and “Inglish Littracher.”)
<Arya Karthik, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aseem KeyalThe Catastrophic Implosion of Packet SubRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill5815
Rahul KeyalThe anti-STOON-dahl cabal (the tall Keyal et al.)[moderator voice] yes that is so tenpointscore! is your team feeling bonuspilled?10410
John LawrenceCurse you, Periplus the Platypus!Hang et al., Robert Browning10510
Ned TagtmeierIn Search of Things PastBHSU10910
Seth Ebnerwave2: trimming membership codes 9655377758gpSaint Peter Andre 300010910
Matt BollingerTeam Name Think DetailQuasicrystal Silence10910
Jason ChengI would prefer not toremembrance of lost time13210
Chris RayTeach Us to Outgrow Our LadnessEvans Hall destruction awaiters13310
Milan FernandezThe CanadiansDon't be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid Too13410


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y9100%11%0%110.33