
Parts of this piece may originate from an abandoned piece in the same genre that its composer promised for Cosima von Bülow. After this piece’s dedicatee rushed its first movement, its composer added “Allegretto” to that movement’s Ben moderato tempo marking. Two musicians’ parts start one bar apart and gradually merge in a canon from this piece that starts with the quarter notes “B, C-sharp, A, G-sharp, F-sharp, E.” Reminders to play molto dolce, sempre dolce, and dolcissimo intensify under a rocking motif in this piece that is first stated as a broken dominant (*) ninth chord and is developed in this piece’s Recitativo-Fantasia. Because its venue banned artificial light, this piece was premiered from memory in the dark according to Vincent D’Indy (“dahn-DEE”). This A major piece’s dedicatee played it “con (10[1])amore” since it was a wedding gift. For 10 points, name this piece for piano and a string instrument, composed by a Belgian organist for Eugène Ysaÿe ■END■

ANSWER: César Franck’s Violin Sonata in A major [prompt on Franck Sonata; prompt on answers that mention a Sonata by Franck but specify an instrument other than the violin by asking “for what instrument was it originally composed?”]
<Jacob Egol, Classical Music and Opera>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aseem KeyalThe Catastrophic Implosion of Packet SubThe Plague (anime)" was redirected to: "Oran High School Host Club12910


2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y1100%0%0%129.00