In a non-Chinese Art of War, this word more narrowly denotes the flexibility to adjust tactics within a battlefield. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this ideal of power and competence that allows a ruler to master Fortuna.
ANSWER: virtù [accept virtue]
[10e] This Machievelli text idealizes the civic virtue of the ancients over the virtù of a monarch. This commentary on Roman history seems to contradict The Prince by espousing republican ideals.
ANSWER: Discourses on Livy [or Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio]
[10h] Like Quentin Skinner, this thinker drew on The Discourses to develop a “neo-Roman” political theory of civic virtue. This thinker’s 1997 book Republicanism was the ideological foundation for Zapatero’s reforms in Spain.
ANSWER: Philip Pettit (“PET-it”) [or Philip Noel Pettit]
<Henry Atkins, Philosophy>