A Helvetica-loving designer with this surname created the US National Park Service’s “unigrid” brochures, whose covers display the park’s name on a black bar above a wide shot depicting them. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this surname of the husband-and-wife Modernist designers of the only calendar in the MoMA, the Stendig. One of those designers with this surname used right angles for a 1972 New York subway map reviled by its riders.
ANSWER: Vignelli (“veen-YELL-ee”) [accept Massimo Vignelli or Lella Vignelli]
[10e] The Vignellis’ stacking Handkerchief model of these furniture items was among the many varieties manufactured by Knoll, Inc., such as the Barcelona type designed by Lilly Reich and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
ANSWER: chairs [accept Handkerchief chair or Barcelona chair]
[10m] Massimo Vignelli used red font for the left half and blue font for the right half of his 1967 logo for one of these companies. A now-defunct one of these non-governmental companies had a logo nicknamed the “blue meatball.”
ANSWER: airlines [accept American Airlines, Pan-Am Airlines, or Pan-American Airlines]
<Ani Perumalla, Other Fine Arts>