This astronomer was the principal investigator on the largest project in the history of the Hubble Space Telescope, the CANDELS project. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this leader of the “Seven Samurai.” With a graduate student, this astronomer proposed that galactic luminosity scales approximately with the fourth power of the stellar velocity distribution in elliptical galaxies.
ANSWER: Sandra Faber [or Sandra Moore Faber]
[10e] After the Hubble launch, Faber correctly diagnosed a 2-millimeter defect of this type in one of the mirrors. This phenomenon causes blurriness in lenses and curved mirrors.
ANSWER: spherical aberration [prompt on aberration]
[10h] In a seminal paper, Faber analyzed data from dwarf spheroidal galaxies to show that dark matter did not mainly consist of neutrinos with this property. Particles with this property propagate through a medium without scattering.
ANSWER: free streaming
<Iain Carpenter, Astronomy>