This language formed a Malay creole called “Papia Kristang,” literally meaning “speak Christian.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this European language that served as an early modern lingua franca in the Indian Ocean due to trade in colonies like Goa and Malacca.
ANSWER: Portuguese [or português or língua portuguesa]
[10h] One legacy of Portuguese trade in Asia is this word, first used to refer to local middlemen for companies in Chinese ports. In Marxist thought, this term has expanded to denote a rich but subordinate local bourgeoisie.
ANSWER: comprador [or compradore; accept comprador bourgeoisie]
[10m] The Portuguese control over portions of this island led to the beginning of its Burgher ethnic group. Local troops who fought for the Portuguese on this island were called lascarins.
ANSWER: Sri Lanka [accept Portuguese Ceylon or Ceilão Português]
<Henry Atkins, World History>