
Fifteen of this industry’s products were cited as reasons for its reform by an organization which included Sally Nevius and Susan Baker. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this industry, whose opponents claimed that it used “backmasking” to subliminally influence people. The PMRC called for a 1985 Senate hearing about this industry.
ANSWER: music industry [or recording industry]
[10e] Moral panic in the 1980s also made this game controversial. Patricia Pulling founded an organization that was “bothered about” this fantasy role-playing game created by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.
ANSWER: Dungeons & Dragons [or D&D or DnD; accept Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons]
[10h] This 1980 book co-written by Lawrence Pazder was an important driver of Satanic panic. Despite no evidence of the title woman’s abuse by Satanists, Pazder became a consultant in the McMartin preschool trial after publishing this book.
ANSWER: Michelle Remembers
<Alex Fregeau, US History>

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2023 Chicago Open08/05/2023Y920.00100%100%0%


BHSUIn Search of Things Past1010020
Evans Hall destruction awaitersTeach Us to Outgrow Our Ladness1010020
Curse you, Periplus the Platypus!Hang et al., Robert Browning1010020
remembrance of lost timeI would prefer not to1010020
The anti-STOON-dahl cabal (the tall Keyal et al.)[moderator voice] yes that is so tenpointscore! is your team feeling bonuspilled?1010020
The CanadiansDon't be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid Too1010020
The Catastrophic Implosion of Packet SubRomanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill1010020
Saint Peter Andre 3000wave2: trimming membership codes 9655377758gp1010020
Team Name Think DetailQuasicrystal Silence1010020