In a story set in this town, an overly friendly dog named Attila accidentally foils a robbery by tripping the thief in the street. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this town whose hospital is the site of an equestrian statue of its founder, Sir Fredrick Lawley. In another novel, a con artist from this town fasts for eleven days to bring rain during a drought.
ANSWER: Malgudi (The books are Malgudi Days and The Guide by R. K. Narayan.)
[10h] The old woman Achakka narrates a novel set in this other town, most of which gets sold off to residents of Bombay. Moorthy attempts to bring the Gandhian movement to this title village in the first novel by Raja Rao.
ANSWER: Kanthapura (“KAHN-tah-poo-ruh”)
[10e] This author’s Between the Assassinations collects worldbuilding stories about the fictional town of Kittur in Karnataka. The son of a rickshaw-puller writes a letter to Wen Jiabao in this author’s novel The White Tiger.
ANSWER: Aravind Adiga
<Henry Atkins, World Literature>