A 1970s PSA created by this group featured Italian-American actor Iron Eyes Cody, who played the title “Crying Indian.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Identify this industry advocacy group whose 1950s PSAs popularized the term “litterbug.”
ANSWER: Keep America Beautiful
[10e] A 1980s anti-littering campaign in Texas featuring Stevie Ray Vaughan and the Dallas Cowboys popularized this slogan, inspiring less successful copycat slogans like Oklahoma’s “Don’t lay that trash on Oklahoma!”
ANSWER: “Don’t mess with Texas!”
[10m] This person’s advocacy for anti-littering and highway beautification initiatives led to the passage of the Highway Beautification Act. This person declared “where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
ANSWER: Lady Bird Johnson [or Claudia Alta Johnson or Claudia Alta Taylor]
<Caleb Kendrick, Other Academic>