Ophelia Settle Egypt’s manuscript Raggedy Thorns includes an entire chapter titled for this custom. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this custom popularized in the modern-day by the miniseries Roots. The words “til death or distance” are said during this ritual practiced by antebellum slaves, which, in part, symbolized a wife’s commitment to her new household.
ANSWER: jumping the broom [accept similar answers; accept besom in place of broom; accept broomstick weddings and similar; prompt on partial answer; prompt on informal or irregular marriage; prompt on slave marriage]
[10h] It has been suggested that the broom’s reversal recreated this line that separates our world from the ancestral plane on the Kongo cosmogram. Though it is named for the fiery spark of creation, this line is described as a river.
ANSWER: Kalûnga Line
[10e] Tyler D. Parry’s book on the surprising multicultural origins of broomstick marriages traced it back to Romani communities in this country. St. David is the patron saint of this country, whose myths make up the Mabinogion.
ANSWER: Wales [prompt on United Kingdom or UK]
<Nick Jensen, Beliefs>