Whenever Allah wants something done, he hits this figure’s forehead with the “Preserved Tablet,” communicating messages that this figure delivers. For 10 points each:
[10m] Heaven’s muezzin is what figure who stands closest to Allah? This figure’s descent on Jerusalem will signal the Day of Judgement as he blows his trumpet.
ANSWER: Israfil [prompt on Raphael]
[10e] Israfil sometimes shrinks to the size of a sparrow so that only Allah’s glory will carry this object. The hamlatal-arsh support this object, which names a verse whose frequent recitation can guarantee paradise.
ANSWER: Throne of Allah [accept Throne Verse; or Ayat al-Kursi; accept Throne of God]
[10h] Like Israfil, this pearly angel, whose feet and head respectively touch the Earth and Throne, is described as having wings that stretch from East to West. Muhammad meets this angel in the First Heaven prior to the Half-Fire, Half-Snow angel.
ANSWER: Rooster Angel [or Cockerel; accept dīk (“deek”)]
<Kevin Thomas, Beliefs>