In 1974, the Department of Defense mandated that all branches of the military use a common means of assessing this quality. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this quality, first widely measured with the Army Alpha and Beta tests employed during World War I.
ANSWER: intelligence [or intelligence quotient or IQ; accept mental ability or mental aptitude]
[10h] During the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara began this program to lower the minimum intelligence test scores required of recruits. The men who enlisted under this program were derisively called “McNamara’s Morons.”
ANSWER: Project 100,000
[10m] McNamara pitched Project 100,000 as a means of addressing poverty, which had been recently studied by this political advisor. In one work, this political advisor cited a “tangle of pathology” as a problem facing the title institutions.
ANSWER: Daniel Patrick Moynihan [accept Moynihan Report]
<Alex Fregeau, US History>