In one of their last poems, this author notes, “I have learned to be considerate / with the words / that exist… hunger/ disgrace / tears / and / darkness” before declaring, “My share, it should be dispersed.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author and Gruppe 47 member who in the early 1960s renounced poetry to work on prose like The Thirtieth Year and Malina.
ANSWER: Ingeborg Bachmann (The poem in the lead-in is “No Delicacies.”)
[10h] This region titles a late Shakespeare-inspired Bachmann poem whose speaker claims, “If I’m not the one, someone is, he’s just as good as I.” That poem titled for this region begins, “If the houses here are green, I’ll step inside a house.”
ANSWER: Bohemia [or Böhmen; accept “Bohemia Lies By The Sea” or “Böhmen liegt am Meer”]
[10e] A late poem by Bachmann dedicated to this author reveals her disgust with poetry in its musing on what it takes “to make a single sentence tenable / to endure it in the ding-dong of words.” This author wrote “Poem Without a Hero.”
ANSWER: Anna Akhmatova [or Anna Andreyevna Gorenko]
<Arya Karthik, European Literature>