
A mineral boom in this country allegedly began either when a mythical bird led a prospector to a vein, or when that prospector’s mother revealed that vein to him on her deathbed. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this country that experienced a silver rush in the mid-19th century. This country’s economy had earlier been characterized by its first “wheat cycle” and a “century of suet.”
ANSWER: Chile [or Republic of Chile or República de Chile]
[10m] The Chilean silver rush began when a man with this surname discovered a silver outcrop at Chañarcillo (“chahn-yahr-SEE-yoh”). A “Prince of Peace” with this surname was First Secretary of State under Charles IV of Spain.
ANSWER: Godoy [accept Juan Godoy or Manuel Godoy y Álvarez de Faria Rios]
[10e] Declining silver and wheat profits in the 1870s likely encouraged Chile to enter this war with Bolivia and Peru, in which it seized the former’s nitrate-rich coastline.
ANSWER: War of the Pacific [or Saltpeter War, Guerra del Pacífico, or Guerra de Salitre]
<Alex Fregeau, World History>

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