
This philosopher conceded that moral standards could be exploited by a “sensible knave” who broke the rules without being caught. This philosopher denounced ascetic habits like “celibacy, fasting, [and] penance” as (15[1])“monkish virtues” that served no purpose. This philosopher, who illustrated the concept of convention with the example of rowing a boat, was characterized as the progenitor of (*) “quasi-realism” by Simon (10[1])Blackburn. (10[1])This philosopher (10[1])quipped that it was not irrational to “prefer the destruction (10[1])of half the world to the pricking of [his] little finger.” In his first book, this philosopher characterized reason as the “slave of the passions” and (10[1])claimed it was impossible to derive an “ought” from an “is.” For 10 points, name this Scottish Enlightenment philosopher who wrote A Treatise of Human Nature. ■END■

ANSWER: David Hume
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jordan BrownsteinMaryland B-WUSTL3015
Alston BoydChicago B+Mojo Shojo6010
Matt JacksonChicago ANorthwestern6110
John LawrenceAmartya Senpai Notice MeMaryland B-6310
Quynh PhungPurdueTeam 27310
Jason AsherEpic GamesMichigan9910


2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y6100%17%0%64.33
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023N1100%100%0%37.00
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023N3100%0%0%104.33