
One of these people is the purported author of an “infancy gospel” where the names of Mary’s parents, Anna and Joachim, first appear. J.B. Lightfoot coined the terms “Helvidian,” “Epiphanian,” and “Hieronymian” for three different viewpoints on these people. One of these people, named a “pillar of the Church” alongside John and (15[1])Peter, was the first leader of (15[1])the church in Jerusalem. (15[1])The (*) shortest book (10[1])in the New Testament is titled for one of these people. (10[2]-5[1])The Epistles of (-5[1])James and Jude (10[1]-5[1])are writings attributed (-5[1])to two of these people, who are sometimes considered (10[1])to be children of Joseph (10[1])by (-5[1])another marriage. (10[1])For 10 points, (-5[1])Hong Xiuquan (10[2])probably (10[1])did (10[1])not belong (10[1])to (10[1])what group (10[1])of Biblical figures, (10[1])conventionally interpreted as being cousins of the Savior rather than children (10[1])of Mary? ■END■ (10[4])

ANSWER: brothers of Jesus Christ [or James, Jude, and Joseph; or adelphoi of Jesus; accept cousins of Jesus before it is read; accept siblings or half-brothers or stepbrothers of Jesus; accept children of Mary of Clopas; prompt on children of Mary and Joseph; prompt on family members of Jesus; prompt on apostles or disciples of Jesus; reject “the twelve apostles” or “disciples”] (The lead-in refers to the Protoevangelium of James.)
= Average correct buzz position
  • Total Buzzes
  • Correct Buzzes


2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y6100%17%33%94.17
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y3100%0%0%103.33
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y3100%33%33%96.00
2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y3100%0%0%108.00
2023 BHSU Online04/15/2023Y475%25%25%88.33
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y2100%0%0%81.00
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y3100%0%67%122.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eric WolfsbergIt's JoeverBerkeley A5115
Raymond WangHutto HipposRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne Gang5715
Clark SmithOSUMojo Shojo6115
ThomasBuzzers KaramazovMagisters Ludi6410
John MarvinChicago BMaryland B-7510
Matt JacksonChicago AWUSTL7510
Andrej VukovicCameron et al.The Passion According to C.H.75-5
Mitch McCullarIllinois A+Michigan78-5
Andrew SalijNorthwesternPurdue81-5
Mike CheyneRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne GangWhat is BH! And you are asking me? BHSU8110
Jason Golfinos[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]Berkeley B84-5
Jonathan ShaufThe Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 NegsMaryland B+9310
OmerOxford HornetsBroken Imperial Nomads9810
Joel MilesThe Enrique Trastamara Military Academy BCornell B-99-5
Daniel SheinbergUG Championship Players (and Mazin)nats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft10110
Maude-Sophie LockmanParth et al.Milan et al.104-5
Kevin ThomasFan-tastic Negs and Where to Find ThemGlass Onyen: A Knives Out Mystery10610
Henry AtkinsNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleThe Vulture's Guide to Buzz10610
Natan HoltzmanStanford AStanford B10710
Will AlstonAmartya Senpai Notice MeEpic Games10810
Kevin Wangmeet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B11010
Stevie MillerMaryland ARutgers Diaspora11110
Arthur Delot-VilainWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry11310
Quynh PhungPurdueNorthwestern11610
Ben HuCornell C++Hutto Hippos12710
Anuttam RamjiBerkeley B[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]13010
Subhamitra Banerjee RoychoudhuryMichiganIllinois A+13010
Sky LiThe Passion According to C.H.Cameron et al.13010
Ian ChowMilan et al.Parth et al.13010