In Dennis Tedlock's translation of a creation myth, the counterparts of the “Maker, Modeler” sea gods are a trio comprising this god and a pair called “Newborn Thunderbolt” and “Sudden Thunderbolt.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this one-legged god also known as “Heart of Sky,” who sent a flood to wipe out an early, failed race of humans made from wood.
ANSWER: Huracan [accept Hunracan or Juraqan; accept U K'ux Kaj; accept Thunderbolt Hurricane]
[10e] The foremost of the sea gods, Q'uq'umatz (koo-koo-MAHTZ), took the form of this common Mesoamerican mythical animal motif that combines features of an avian and a reptile.
ANSWER: feathered serpent [or plumed serpent or just “bird snake”; accept snake in place of serpent; prompt on snake or serpent alone by asking “with what feature?”; reject “bird”]
[10m] In the Popol Vuh, the creation myth is interrupted by the story of the Hero Twins’ fights against this “self-magnifying” fiend and his two sons, the demons Zipacna and Cabrakan.
ANSWER: Vucub Caquix (voo-KOOB kah-KEESH) [or Seven Macaw; or Wuqub’ Kaqix]
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