
A king of this city was killed at Mysia by Telephus while accompanying Greek forces in the Trojan War. Another ruler of this city added three strings to his lyre and learned the Lydian mode. After being defeated by forces led by Pandion, this city’s King Labdacus was killed by members of a cult. One king of this city abducted and raped Chrysippus, which originated the practice of pederasty. Thersander came to power in this city after the attack of the Epigoni. Amphion, (10[1])who co-ruled this city with his brother Zethus, (10[1])used a harp to move stones to construct (-5[1])walls around this city’s central (10[2]-5[1])citadel, the Cadmea. A king of this city was slain after running his chariot over his son’s foot at a crossroads, leading his (10[1])son to marry Jocasta. (10[1])For 10 points, name this city ruled by Oedipus. ■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: Thebes [or Thebai; prompt on Boeotia; prompt on Cadmeia]
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y989%0%22%114.25


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Nathan ZhangCornell CVassar8210
Vincent ZhangPenn BHaverford9010
Andre WongColumbia BBard A98-5
Aiden DartleyRutgers APrinceton A10310
Vishal KanigicherlaPenn APrinceton B10310
Karsten RynearsonYale ARutgers B103-5
John John GrogerColumbia AYale C12610
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BNYU B13010
William HelmanBard AColumbia B14010
Simon EmmanuelRutgers BYale A14010
Ashish KumbhardareRowan AColumbia C1400