
In a story titled for one of these events, the protagonist sees a man running the gauntlet being flogged by the father of a love interest. At one of these events, a woman wearing a picture of a poodle around her neck tries to help a young woman who suffocated her baby with a blue-bordered handkerchief. (10[1])During one of these events, blood from Baron Meigel is used to fill a chalice made from the decapitated head of a literary critic. (-5[1])A character (-5[1])strips naked and rubs ointment all over herself before being transported to one of these events from Apartment 50. Margarita serves as the “Queen” of one of these events to celebrate Walpurgis Night in The Master and Margarita. For 10 points, the socialites of War and Peace frequently gossip and dance at what (10[1])elaborate celebrations? ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: balls [or parties; or Walpurgis Night Ball; or Good Friday Ball; or “After the Ball”; accept answers such as balls from War and Peace or balls from The Master and Margarita; prompt on dances until read; prompt on celebrations until read; prompt on Walpurgis Night until read by asking “what type of event on that night?”] (The story described in the first sentence is Tolstoy’s “After the Ball.”)
<European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aiden DartleyRutgers AColumbia A5510
William OrrYale ANYU A79-5
Andre WongColumbia BCornell C81-5
Ethan FurmanHaverfordRowan A13410
Richard NiuCornell CColumbia B13710
Owen MimnoNYU AYale A13710


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y4100%0%50%115.75