At the end of this play, a court attorney says that a woman was going to “quilt it” and not “knot it.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this play in which Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover a bird with a wrung neck. This play by Susan Glaspell focuses on the murder of John Wright.
ANSWER: Trifles
[10e] Susan Glaspell wrote about the dead poet Alison Stanhope in Alison’s House, a play about this poet of “I’m Nobody! Who are you?” and “Because I could not stop for Death –.”
ANSWER: Emily Dickinson
[10m] Glaspell wrote a play titled for “Suppressed” versions of this emotion with her husband George Cram Cook. In a play titled for this emotion, a character dances the Varsouviana with her husband Allan Grey before he commits suicide.
ANSWER: desire [accept A Streetcar Named Desire or Suppressed Desires]
<American Literature>