These network structures preclude the endless retransmission of packets in broadcast storms. For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify these loop-free structures that connect all vertices of a given graph. Optimal kinds of these structures are the outputs of Prim’s algorithm.
ANSWER: spanning trees [accept minimum spanning trees]
[10h] Radia Perlman’s spanning tree protocol creates network topologies in this L2 standard. Bob Metcalfe won a Turing Award for this standard, which originally used a broadcast medium but later switched to point-to-point links.
ANSWER: Ethernet [or IEEE 802.3]
[10e] The nodes in an Ethernet topology represent switches, while these objects are the nodes in an IP network. Cisco produces these objects, which may connect to an Ethernet cable and grant Wi-Fi access.
ANSWER: routers
<Other Science>