This quantity was assigned to be 14,800 for HFC-23 in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this dimensionless quantity calculated for a molecule by taking the ratio of its radiative forcing, usually integrated over 100 years, to that of a standard molecule
ANSWER: global warming potential [or GWP; prompt on global warming]
[10m] The IPCC recommends that blanket bans on HFC-23 emissions are a necessary step in its oft-cited goal for preventing global temperatures from rising this many degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2050. Your answer should be an integer.
ANSWER: 2 degrees Celsius [or two Kelvins]
[10e] HFC-23 is a byproduct in the synthesis of HCFC-22, which was phased out by the Montreal Protocol since it contributes to a hole in the UV-absorbing layer formed by this molecule.
ANSWER: ozone [accept O3 (“O-3”)]
<Other Science>