
An 18th-century sculpture made of this material shows a god covered in 30 smaller, self-similar figures, six of which form his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. This material is used to make sculptures showing nude young women with splayed legs and black triangles on their pubis typically hung above doorways. A sculpture made of this material with an ovoid head (10[1])inspired Alberto Giacometti to sculpt the bronze Hands (10[1])Holding the Void. Perforated designs make up prominent phalluses made of this material in bisj artworks made by the Asmat people. This material is used to make slit gongs and malagan funerary sculptures. This material is “bent” and seamed together by (10[1])Gitxsan artists (10[2])to make decorated storage (10[1])containers. Bill Reid and other (10[1])Haida (10[1])artists (10[2])make large artworks (10[1])out of (10[2])this (10[2])material (10[3])traditionally (10[2])topped (10[1])with (10[1])a thunderbird. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[1])name this material carved to make totem poles. ■END■

ANSWER: wood [or hardwood [accept cedarwood or cypress wood; accept breadfruit trees or breadfruit wood; accept bentwood boxes] (The first sentence refers to the “Rurutu figure known as A’a.” The second sentence refers to dilukai sculptures. A Nukuoro carving inspired Giacometti.)
<Painting & Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%0%118.79


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ashish SubramanianDuke AYale A5910
Tracy MirkinFlorida ABrown A6710
Natan HoltzmanStanford AGeorgia Tech A10810
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AMIT A11010
Wenying WuToronto AMinnesota A11010
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AYale B11410
Drake EshlemanIndiana ACornell B11910
Rohan ShelkeUC Berkeley BImperial A12010
Matt JacksonChicago AChicago B12110
William GrogerColumbia BMinnesota B12110
Dennis ReppenChicago CTexas A12410
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BRutgers B12610
John John GrogerColumbia AUC Berkeley A12610
Halle FriedmanNYU AMichigan A12710
Raymond WangCornell AOhio State A12710
Quynh PhungPurdue AHouston A12810
Kevin FanMcGill APenn State A12810
Conor ThompsonIowa State AWUSTL B12810
Aidan FeinVanderbilt AJohns Hopkins A12910
Arjun NageswaranHarvard ANorth Carolina A12910
Caleb KendrickMaryland AWUSTL A13010
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AGeorgia Tech B13110
Justin WytmarIllinois AClaremont A13310
Aiden DartleyRutgers AVirginia A13610