Certain stripe-shaped areas of this brain region are conspicuously absent in some squirrel monkeys, leading to the suggestion that those areas have no functional role. The unusual abilities of a patient known as “D.B.” who had damage to this brain region were studied by Larry Weiskrantz. Lǐ Zhàopíng hypothesized that this area of the brain is responsible for creating a saliency map. Simple cells and complex cells were discovered in this brain region by a pair of researchers who inserted microelectrodes into this area of a cat’s brain, named David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel. Goodale and Milner proposed that the dorsal and ventral streams emerging from this part of the occipital lobe are respectively responsible for action and perception. Brodmann area 17 is the “primary” part of this region, also known as V1. For 10 points, name this brain region that processes information from the optic nerve. ■END■
ANSWER: visual cortex [accept primary visual cortex; accept striate cortex; accept V1 until read ; accept Brodmann area 17 until “17” is read; prompt on occipital lobe until read]
<Social Science>
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