
This short story is used as a metaphor for the influence of antinomianism on works like Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative in a Susan Howe collection titled for it. This story concludes by suggesting that its protagonist “failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of Time to find the perfect Future in the present.” In this story, the “gross Fatality of Earth” is symbolized by the “hoarse” chuckle of a shaggy servant who is addressed (10[1])as an “earthly (10[1])mass” and a “man of clay.” (10[1])A woman in this story leaves the sweet-smelling rooms she’s been confined to and intrudes on a “furnace-room” where her husband works with his assistant Aminadab. (10[3])After (10[2])testing it on a blotchy (-5[1])geranium, (10[2]-5[1])a woman in this story drinks an elixir (-5[3])meant (-5[2])to destroy (10[1]-5[1])the “Crimson Hand.” For 10 points, name this Nathaniel (-5[1])Hawthorne story (10[1])in which Aylmer tries to remove his wife (10[1])Georgiana’s title (10[2])blemish. (10[2])■END■ (10[7])

ANSWER: “The Birth-Mark” [accept The Birth-Mark: Unsettling the Wilderness in American Literary History]
<American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%38%127.83


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt BollingerGeorgia Tech AFlorida A7410
Arthur Delot-VilainYale AStanford A7710
John BroussardHouston AMinnesota B8310
Chris RayOhio State AChicago B10910
Justin ChenNYU ARutgers B10910
Karsten RynearsonYale BRutgers A10910
Mitch McCullarIllinois ASouth Carolina A11010
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AChicago C11010
Jisoo YooTexas ANorthwestern A115-5
Ricky LiMIT AIndiana A116-5
Steven YuanUC Berkeley BJohns Hopkins A11610
Kevin ParkClaremont AMcGill A11610
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BPenn A124-5
Ani PerumallaPenn State AIowa State A124-5
Matt JacksonChicago AWUSTL A124-5
Walter ZhangBrown AMaryland A125-5
Mazin OmerHarvard AToronto A125-5
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BVirginia A127-5
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota ACornell B12710
Jerry LinDuke ACornell A136-5
John John GrogerColumbia ANorth Carolina A13810
Andrew HannaVanderbilt APurdue A14610
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern ATexas A14810
Raymond WangCornell ADuke A14810
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AGeorgia Tech B14910
Guy IndoranteIowa State APenn State A14910
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AChicago A15010
Justin HawkinsIndiana AMIT A15010
Tiffany ZhouFlorida BImperial A15010
Connor MayersMaryland ABrown A15010
Raymond ChenToronto AHarvard A15010
William GrogerColumbia BMichigan A15010
David BassVirginia AWUSTL B15010