
Since R v Kapp, the Supreme Court of Canada has consistently argued that a type of equality named for this adjective is protected (10[1])by Section 15 of the Charter. That type of equality named for this adjective, which is incorporated into Jordan’s Principle, is contrasted with formal equality. John Hart Ely (“EE-lee”) claimed that a phrase starting with this adjective (-5[1])is an oxymoron, like the phrase “green pastel (10[1])redness,” a claim that has been echoed (10[1])by Antonin Scalia (“skuh-LEE-uh”) and Clarence Thomas. The use of a principle named for this multisyllabic (-5[1])adjective (-5[1])to strike down economic regulations, including in a case involving working hours for bakers, characterized the Lochner era. In the context of the interpretation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, (10[1])this adjective is the opposite of “procedural.” For 10 points, (10[1]-5[1])unenumerated rights are protected (-5[1])by what form of due process? (10[2])■END■ (10[5]0[7])

ANSWER: substantive [accept substantive due process; accept substantive equality]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1963%0%26%115.58


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto AYale B2210
Kevin FanMcGill AWUSTL B58-5
Michał GerasimiukYale ARutgers B6610
Alana DickeyVirginia AUC Berkeley A7310
Matt JacksonChicago AMaryland A88-5
Mateo Javier AcostaFlorida BIllinois A89-5
Todd MaslykMichigan AGeorgia Tech A11910
Sarod NoriCornell BClaremont A12910
Aidan FeinVanderbilt AMinnesota A129-5
Geoffrey WuColumbia ATexas A133-5
Caleb KendrickMaryland AChicago A13910
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AFlorida A13910
Justin HawkinsIndiana ASouth Carolina A14010
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota AVanderbilt A1400
Natan HoltzmanStanford AMinnesota B14010
Raymond JiangGeorgia Tech BNorthwestern A14010
Anson BernsBrown ANYU A14010
Aiden DartleyRutgers APenn A1400
Chris RayOhio State AUC Berkeley B14010
Jonathan ShaufNorth Carolina ACornell A1400
Justin WytmarIllinois AFlorida B1400
Jacob EgolDuke APenn State A1400
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn ARutgers A1400
Ani PerumallaPenn State ADuke A1400