In this novel, two identical white dresses with ornamental red buttons and no fastenings are worn by a woman who bloodies her hands breaking open the door of a bathroom that the protagonist had locked her in. This novel summarizes a nine-volume monograph on “extensors” and “symmetriads” by a victim of the “Eruption of the 106” and also excerpts the account of a life-sized model of a garden and a giant baby from the “Minor Apocrypha.” Bill Johnston’s 2011 translation of this novel restores the name “Harey” for a 19-year-old woman who gave herself a lethal injection 10 years before this novel opens. In this novel, Snaut and Dr. Sartorius try to use an X-ray encoding of an EEG readout to contact an entity that uses the protagonist’s memories to create a replica of his deceased lover. For 10 points, Kris Kelvin visits the title sentient planet in what novel by Stanisław (“stah-NEECE-waff”) Lem? ■END■
ANSWER: Solaris
<European Literature>
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