Specific term required. A “cosmopolitan democracy” named for this property is proposed in a 2018 book that critiques the sovereignty-based theories of Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka. That book proposing a politics based on this property is by Alasdair Cochrane. Tom Regan’s concept of being the “subject-of-a-life” is rejected in favor of this property in a 2000 book by Gary Francione. Jeremy Bentham was a predecessor of a modern ethical view named for this property that takes it to be the basis for animal rights. “Living being” and this type of being are the standard translations of the word sattva (“SUT-vuh”) in Buddhism, in which bodhisattvas (“boh-dee-SUT-vuzz”) hope to benefit all beings with this property. For 10 points, consciousness is sometimes defined minimalistically using what term for the ability to experience feelings, which is often used in science fiction as a rough synonym for “self-awareness”? ■END■
ANSWER: sentience [or being sentient; accept sentient beings; accept sentientism; accept sentientist cosmopolitan democracy; accept Sentientist Politics; prompt on “the ability to experience feelings” or “the ability to feel pain” or “the ability to suffer” until “feelings” is read]
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