
A character working at one of these places repeatedly looks out of the window as a pool where she dumped a corpse is drained. (10[1])In a scene (10[1])from a 1933 film set at one of these places, the soundtrack reverses and characters march in slow motion as feathers float in the air. (10[2])An audience is entranced by a Charlie Chaplin film at one of these places that is (10[1])infiltrated due to information given by the cook Joseph after his firing. (10[1])A character who runs one of these places is seemingly sedated and drowned by his wife and mistress in Diabolique. (-5[1])Jean (10[1])waves (-5[1])goodbye to his Jewish friend Julien as Julien is seized by the Gestapo in a 1987 Louis (10[1])Malle (10[1])film set at one of these (10[1])places (10[1])during the Holocaust. (10[1]-5[1])Antoine (10[1])Doinel’s misbehavior gets him (10[1])kicked (10[2])out of one of these places in Francois Truffaut’s (10[1])(“troo-FOHZ”) The 400 Blows. For 10 points, (10[1])what places (10[1])are the setting of the French films Au Revoir les Enfants (10[1])(“oh reh-VWAH lez on-FAHN”) and Zero for Conduct? ■END■ (10[3]0[1])

ANSWER: schools [or boarding schools; accept private schools or Catholic schools or any other kind of schools; accept Carmelite convents; prompt on dormitories or bedrooms by asking “located in what larger type of facility?”]
<Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2496%0%13%115.70


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Halle FriedmanNYU AJohns Hopkins A2310
Tim MorrisonStanford AChicago B2610
Kevin ParkClaremont AVirginia A5110
Ani PerumallaPenn State AWUSTL B5110
Raymond WangCornell AFlorida A6710
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AMcGill A7910
Henry CafaroChicago CColumbia A99-5
Mitch McCullarIllinois AYale B10010
Nikhil ChellamNorthwestern ANorth Carolina A101-5
Cole TimmerwilkeHarvard ACornell B11810
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AIndiana A11910
Mateo Javier AcostaFlorida BUC Berkeley B12510
Andrew HannaVanderbilt AMinnesota B12610
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto AMIT A12910
Clark SmithOhio State ADuke A129-5
Caleb KendrickMaryland AYale A13010
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AGeorgia Tech A13410
Conor ThompsonIowa State ASouth Carolina A13510
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BRutgers A13510
Karan GurazadaTexas AMinnesota A14410
James StevensonMichigan APurdue A15010
John BroussardHouston ARutgers B15210
Matt JacksonChicago ABrown A16310
Carlos DoebeliImperial AColumbia B16810
Vittal BhatNorth Carolina ANorthwestern A1680
John John GrogerColumbia AChicago C16810
Jacob EgolDuke AOhio State A16810