In a short story titled for this phenomenon, three men realize they have been walking in circles when they find two of their dead companions with fungus growing from their mouths. In a short story, this phenomenon drives Pickard insane, causing Simmons to shoot him before he also succumbs to this phenomenon and asks the lieutenant to abandon him on their journey to a dome. A short story titled for this phenomenon is set on the day of Mr. Featherstone’s birthday and the anniversary of Tilita’s marriage. This phenomenon [emphasize] stops once every seven years in a short story that ends with Margot’s classmates remembering they had locked her in a closet. In a short story set on August 4, 2026, an uninhabited automated house that has survived a nuclear bomb reads a poem titled for this phenomenon by Sara Teasdale. For 10 points, the title of a Ray Bradbury short story promises “There Will Come” what weather phenomenon? ■END■
ANSWER: rain [accept rainstorm; accept “There Will Come Soft Rains”; accept “The Long Rain”] (The fourth sentence refers to “All Summer in a Day.”)
<American Literature>
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